Postdisciplinary Colloquium

Graphic: Nico Lim

The Berlin Centre for Advanced Studies in Arts and Sciences (BAS) and the Hybrid Plattform are initiating the first joint artistic-scientific colloquium of the Berlin University of the Arts and the Technische Universität Berlin from the summer semester 2024. The aim of the colloquium is to bring together young academics and emerging artists from both universities to jointly discuss new ways of thinking and concepts.

How do we want to live in the future?

A wealth of scientific, technological and artistic research projects pose this question in very different ways and with very different ways of thinking. In times of social polarization, climate emergency, biodiversity crisis, wars and other crisis scenarios both locally and globally, it is necessary to discuss across disciplinary boundaries what the future could look like in its intellectual, artistic, social and cultural dimensions. The colloquium therefore focuses on artistic, artistic-scientific and scientific questions with a view to current social phenomena and discourses and offers a stage for projects that work on transformation topics such as the climate and biodiversity crisis, sustainability, social cohesion, decoloniality, digitalization and new technologies.

PhD students, 3rd-cycle researchers and academic and artistic staff in particular are invited to present their research topics and current projects for discussion. The colloquium offers space for content-related experiments and hopes for an open exchange between the disciplines and faculties of the TU and UdK.


14:00 - 15:40

Marina Resende Santos, UdK | Kunst im Kontext, 628 Years of Potatoes 

Gunilla Jähnichen, UdK | Philine Schneider, Freiraumlabor  | Susanne Bachman, THIKWA Werkstatt Berlin, EquInArt - Arts and cultural awareness and expression in education and training 

16:10 - 18:30 

Jihye Kim, UdK | Kunst im Kontext, Angemessener Abstand

Christian Haid, TU | Habitat Unit, Chair of International Urbanism and Design, Instabilities and queer spatial practice: towards a more inclusive urban future

Alexandra Appel, IKEM – Institut für Klimaschutz, Energie und Mobilität) | Nina Berfelde, UdK | Kunst im Kontext, Gehend Sehen, um zu verstehen – Neue Planungsansätze für Urbanen Raum


Date: Tuesday, 14 May 2024

Time: from 2:00 pm

Location: UdK Berlin, Einsteinufer 43, 10587 Berlin (Foyer on the Ground floor)

Note: Admission free. No pre-registration required

Contact: Dr. Anne Kurr,; Dr. Michael Fowler,